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100 Gingham Check Patterns - 77165782 - MRN97AL

автор: jezla  |  14-12-2024, 22:49  |  Просмотров: 23    

100 Gingham Check Patterns - 77165782 - MRN97AL

100 Gingham Check Patterns - 77165782 - MRN97AL

JPG | 1.7 Gb

100 Gingham Check Patterns

High-quality patterns for new artworks. 100 fantastic seamless Gingham Check Patterns in different styles show the excellence of checked patterns and emphasize the design's exactness.
The peculiarity of the collection is in the variety of colors and the combination of not only white and color, but color and color. Available in 50 unique color combinations and their diagonal versions. There are 100 ready-to-use gingham patterns in total.
Gingham Check Pattern - a cell formed by the intersection of colored stripes perpendicular to each other. Stripes of the same color, but can be of different shades, where they intersect, the color is brighter. The main background is white. The cage can be either very small (if the stripes are narrow) or large (if the stripes are wide). Clothing in a gingham cage can be for men, women, and children. As a rule, shirts, blouses, dresses are decorated with such an ornament. Occasionally - belts, bags, scarves, ties, scarves and other accessories. The degree of formality of things in a gingham cage depends on the size of this cage and on the colors. The larger the cage and the brighter the color, the less formal the dress.
Good for tablecloths, oilcloths, towels, picnic blankets, gift paper, plaid, tablecloths, clothes, shirts, dresses, paper, bed linen, blankets, wraps, packages, dresses, skirts, napkins, shirts, blouses, dresses, belts, bags, scarves, ties, shawls and other modern textile products & simple graphic design backgrounds.
High Quality
Seamless Transition
Dimension: 8000 x 8000 px, 111 x 111 inches.
Files Extension: Jpg
Resolution 72 Dpi
Quantity: 100 pcs



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