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20 Cosmos Backgrounds - 92030816 - GTJVG5G

автор: jezla  |  15-12-2024, 13:34  |  Просмотров: 21    

20 Cosmos Backgrounds - 92030816 - GTJVG5G

20 Cosmos Backgrounds - 92030816 - GTJVG5G

JPG | 439 Mb

20 Cosmos Backgrounds

Choose these cosmic backgrounds over others! For starters, they offer a diverse range of colors and designs, allowing you to mix and match to create your own unique combinations. Additionally, they are of high resolution, so you can use them for a variety of purposes without worrying about losing quality. And lastly, they are incredibly versatile – use them for your desktop background, website design, social media posts, or any other creative project you can think of.
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get lost in the chaos and forget about the beauty that surrounds us. These cosmic backgrounds serve as a reminder to look beyond our daily lives and appreciate the vastness and mystery of the universe. They can also inspire us to dream big and reach for the stars, both figuratively and literally.
·High Quality
·Seamless Transition
·Dimension: 8000?4000 px, 111?55 inches
·Resolution: 300 Dpi
·Extension: Jpg
·Quantity: 20 images



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