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100 Seamless Patterns Vol.4 Xmas - 4142532

автор: jezla  |  12-05-2020, 11:49  |  Просмотров: 162    

100 Seamless Patterns Vol.4 Xmas - 4142532

100 Seamless Patterns Vol.4 Xmas - 4142532

JPG EPS PAT | 3600x3600 | 1.1 Gb

100 Seamless Patterns Vol.4 Christmas
This bundle contains:
·20 Christmas Doodles Patterns
·20 Christmas Patterns
·20 Floral Winter Patterns
·20 Knitting Patterns
·20 Snowflake Patterns
A seamless pattern is an image or texture that can be duplicated and placed side-by-side, without distinct borders or separations. These patterns allow you to create a single image to be endlessly repeated to create unique backgrounds/textiles/fabric.
Can be used for web and print on different projects: backgrounds, wallpapers, greeting cards, invitations, wrapping paper, stationery, mobile covers and skins, sneakers, shirts, textile and fabric, fashion, pillows, t-shirts, dresses, tote bags, shower curtains, duvet covers, wall tapestries, wall murals, rugs, blankets, hoodie, cd and dvd covers, cans, flip flops, web backgrounds, digital papers, backpacks, placemat, apron, packaging, clothes, leggings, etc.
You get:
·100 Seamless Patterns - can be repeated seamless vertically and horizontally
·Vector Eps 10 files - Can be used with vector applications like Adobe Illustrator (pattern swatch also included in each file)
·Tileable Jpg files - Big 3600x3600px 300ppi (12x12in) great for print
·Tileable Jpg files - Medium 1800x1800px 72ppi great for web/screen
·Photoshop Patterns - *.PAT files - can be used with Adobe Photoshop
·PDF Catalog with a preview for all 100 seamless patterns
Video tutorials - included in the Help folder (for Photoshop and Illustrator)



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