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Watercolor Cowboy Boots And Accessory collection - 2272625

автор: jezla  |  6-02-2018, 17:34  |  Просмотров: 2 083    

Watercolor Cowboy Boots And Accessory collection - 2272625

Watercolor Cowboy Boots And Accessory collection - 2272625

PNG, JPG | 100 mb

Watercolor Collection Cowboy Boots, Cowboy Boots, Cowboy Hats and Western Accessory Illustration, Boho Illustration

This is collection of hand painted watercolor illustration of West Country Cowboy and Boho themed items including 8 (4 pairs of) cowboys boots, in tan, brown and beige colors, one pair is plan others with patterns, there are also cowboy accessories such as cowboy hats, scarves, pistol and riffle, sheriff badge, boho bull skull, boho brooch, beads and feathers. There are also pre made compositions made from the above elements. Plus watercolor flowers and arrangements.

They are perfect for wedding invitation, greeting card, my family print, fabric design etc.

There are 65 png files included in this download:
29 elements, typically a boot about 4"x7", skull 5"x6", png with transparent background, 300 dpi,
10 compositions, typically a pair of boots about 5"x7", png with transparent background, 300 dpi.
23 individual elements, 300dpi, png with transparent background, typically flower 2.5"x2.5",
3 flower posies, 300dpi, png with transparent background, typically 4"x7" .


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