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Fall in Love, ROMANTIC Graphic KIT 2271457

автор: jezla  |  16-02-2018, 01:12  |  Просмотров: 2 139    

Fall in Love, ROMANTIC Graphic KIT 2271457

Fall in Love, ROMANTIC Graphic KIT 2271457

PNG, EPS | 8333x8333 | 1.2 Gb

Romantic graphic kit is a collection of illustrations, patterns and pre-made cards, wreathes and decorations. It'll be usefull for wedding or Valentine's day polygraphy and design, scrapbooking and textile design. You'll can create your own product packaging, greeting cards, apparel designs in cute sketchy romantic style.

In romantic graphic kit you'll recieve:
over 50 different objects (very cute couples, airships, little birds, hearts and candles, sweets and home decor things and others)
over 20 floral elements (flowers, branches and leaves)
8 wreaths
8 bouquets
6 pre-made cards
10 simple seamless patterns + 1 BONUS pattern with different elements from the kit
black and white version of all objects and flowers
...and all patterns, objects and designs in the second color version - turquoise and yellow

Files are in the following formats:
Objects, wreaths, bouquets, cards - AI, EPS, JPG, PNG
Patterns - AI, EPS, JPG

All PNG files come with transparent backgrounds, elements are saved in separated files, sizes vary, but most of them are 8333x8333 px, 300 DPI. Patterns JPG size is 5000x5000 px.


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