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Summer Tropical Cute Vector Pack - 1502463

автор: jezla  |  25-03-2020, 14:07  |  Просмотров: 249    

Summer Tropical Cute Vector Pack - 1502463

Summer Tropical Cute Vector Pack - 1502463


This Big Pack of Cute Vector Summer elements includes tropical animals (Giraffe, rhinoceros, zebra, snake, monkey, turtle, lion, elephant, frog, crocodile), birds (Parrot, flamingo, calibri, toucan), colorful flowers,palm leaves, exotic fruits and other elements, 4 hand lettering compositions and 12 seamless patterns. All elements are saved as vector files and high resolution (300dpi) PNG files with transparent backgrounds. Jungle foliage is trendy!
Patterns are seamless Vector (EPS8, Ai) and PNG 4000x4000 px so you can create without thinking about size of your project. You can add decorative or colorful backdrop as you like. Mix and match illustrations with lettering to build your own unique designs or use pre-made illustrations to create your project in a few clicks!
All illustrations are vector-based and easy to modify with basic Illustrator knowledge. With this amazing cute trendy easy-to-use set you can create your unique design.
This original collection perfect for summer greeting cards or fabric textile, logos, web design, digital scrapbooking, packaging, postcards, print, posters, D.I.Y. and other project. I was so inspired to show you these examples of using my summer patterns and I hope you will love them!
What's included:
·Vector files (EPS8 and Ai version) with all elements (90 summer tropical elements) with preview JPG 2000x2000px;
·90 PNG elements transparent background 1000x1000px;
·4 lettering compositions Vector files (EPS8 and Ai version) with preview JPG 4000x4000px and PNG files transparent background 4000x4000px;
12 seamless patterns Vector files (EPS8 and Ai version) with preview JPG 4000x4000px and PNG files transparent background 4000x4000px;



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