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Watercolor Tropical Babies Set 1 - 3886166

автор: jezla  |  25-03-2020, 14:23  |  Просмотров: 218    

Watercolor Tropical Babies Set 1 - 3886166

Watercolor Tropical Babies Set 1 - 3886166

PNG JPG | 5000x5000 | 389 Mb

This set contains multiple individual clipart elements that can be combined to create your own unique designs with a trendy tropical style. You can also use any of the ready-made compositions and patterns, just printing them out on paper or fabric.
All elements of this set are 100% original hand painted watercolors, scanned and converted into digital files. Elements are scanned at high resolution and have transparent background. All graphics are high quality so you won't have any problem using it in high resolution, for any kind of project.
My intent for this summer set was to collect the most charming creatures of the wild, and show them in all their glorious temper, beauty and independence. May these little ones remind you that the Nature and her animal children will always need our support and protection.
Ideal for playroom decoration, birth announcements, nursery art, and general design of any product for very young explorers of the wild nature.
What's included:
·5 animals and 23 floral elements in PNG (transparent background 300dpi apr. 2000x2300px; 3500x2500px; 3600x4000px);
5 seamless pattern in Jpeg and PNG (300dpi 5000x5000px transparent background RGB);



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