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PRETTY HILLS landscapes kit - 4513023

автор: jezla  |  25-03-2020, 14:24  |  Просмотров: 248    

PRETTY HILLS landscapes kit - 4513023

PRETTY HILLS landscapes kit - 4513023


PRETTY HILLS landscapes kit new design set filled individual elements, landscapes creator kit, shapes, pattern, pre-made ready to use. Be sure to click on the image to see all elements.
This product was created to help you make your digital images even more beautiful and unique. This pack can be used to create anything as you wish, logos invitation cards, make scrapbooking, wedding cards, birthday cards, home decor, packaging holiday gifts, party decorations, print on fabrics and so much more.
These elements are ideal for the creation of the corporate identity of your flowers shop or your small store. Or if you suddenly need to decorate your room or create a wedding invitation. Add this beautiful flowers and leaves to create a postcard.
What's in the package:
·90 individual elements (ai, eps,png with transparent background)
·4 frames (ai, eps, png with transparent background)
·4 moon and stars (ai, eps, png with transparent background)
·9 sun mandala (ai, eps, png with transparent background)
·3 texture (ai, eps, png with transparent background)
·25 compositions (ai, eps, png with transparent background)
·25 compositions ( jpeg)
4 seamless pattern (ai, eps, png with transparent background)



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