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Lovely Animals Creator - 479095

автор: jezla  |  11-04-2020, 22:07  |  Просмотров: 50    

Lovely Animals Creator - 479095

Lovely Animals Creator - 479095

PNG EPS | 18 Mb

Lovely Animals Creator.With this amazing colorful set, you can create animal portraits for posters, planners, bookmarks, calendars, t-shirts, fabric, icons, cards, greeting cards, and more!Bookmark templates and planners are already included in the set as a gift! All you have to do is use them!

What do you get?
Creator in EPS format
Creator in PNG format
30 animal faces in EPS format
30 animal faces in PNG format
30 animal portraits in EPS forma
30 animal portraits in PNG forma
30 animal clothing and attributes in EPS format
30 animal clothing and attributes in PNG format
17 lettering phrases in EPS format
17 lettering phrases in PNG format
15 bookmarks in EPS format
15 bookmarks in PNG format
15 planners in EPS format
15 planners in PNG format Lovely Animals Creator.With this amazing colorful set, you can create animal portraits for posters, planners, bookmarks, calendars, t-shirts, fabric, icons, cards, greeting cards, and more!Bookmark templates and planners are already included in the set as a gift! All you have to do is use them!

What do you get?
Creator in EPS format
Creator in PNG format
30 animal faces in EPS format
30 animal faces in PNG format
30 animal portraits in EPS forma
30 animal portraits in PNG forma
30 animal clothing and attributes in EPS format
30 animal clothing and attributes in PNG format
17 lettering phrases in EPS format
17 lettering phrases in PNG format
15 bookmarks in EPS format
15 bookmarks in PNG format
15 planners in EPS format
15 planners in PNG format



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