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Little Mermaids

автор: jezla  |  23-04-2020, 16:47  |  Просмотров: 172    

Little Mermaids

Little Mermaids

PNG | 71 Mb


“Little Mermaids clipart” is an instant download clip art set of 9 high detailed mermaids in various poses, dresses, hair and skin colors and 44 underwater sea elements and 3 backgrounds. This clipart set works as a “scene creator”, since there are many elements that can be combined multiple times and produce unique images. PrettyMermaids clipart can be a perfect grapfic resourse for any summer-sea-mermaid themed project : teaching classes, web designs , blogs, craft projects , paper products, scrapbooking, patterns, fabric designs and many more!
You will receive 56 high quality and watermark-free images, in separate PNG a files (with transparent background), compressed into 5 ZIP folders you’ll need to extract. Items included are :
9 Mermaids
1 sky
2 underwater sea backgrounds
9 fish
1 seahorse
6 seaweed
2 bubbles
2 shells
2 seaplants
4 sea ceratures
3 starfish
15 rocks
You can use Photoshop or any other photo/image editing software to open and edit the PNG files. You can use these images digitally or print them, either with a home printer or using professional printing services. Colors may slightly vary according to your monitor settings.



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