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I Love Autumn - 5351806

автор: jezla  |  5-09-2020, 14:16  |  Просмотров: 218    

I Love Autumn - 5351806

I Love Autumn - 5351806

PNG, AI, EPS, SVG | 142 Mb

This product «I Love Autumn» good for greeting card or tag is filled with floral happiness and vintage lettering goodness! Any pattern can be use for pillow, duvet cover, pillowcase or other things. Be sure to click and enlarge the previews!
Flowers, calligraphy lettering handwriting phrases, patterns, tags, flourish frame wreathes, autumn hand drawn text logo: Hello Autumn, Welcome Autumn, Happy Thanksgiving Day, Autumn Season, I Love Autumn, Autumn Vibes, Enjoy the Autumn and Best Autumn! Designing couldn’t be more fun!
!!! All phrases are calligraphic hand drawn text. It`s not a font! You can`t change any letter on other in those phrases. You can change only size, rotate and color.
And if you need to send out a quick invitation on holidays, greeting card or announcement, social media this set includes many elements and pre-made invitation backgrounds all layered for easy customisation, just add your own text or combine elements from this product and done!
·Autumn pattern - 09 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn greeting tag - 10 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn frame - 12 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn greeting card - 12 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn wreath - 13 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn phrase - 17 (ai, eps, svg, png);
·Autumn element - 40 (ai, eps, svg, png). __ Total - 113 elements and quotes
All the elements are supplied in both vector and raster format (i.e. PNG, AI, EPS and SVG).



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