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Christmas Boho Border Bouquet Wreath Winter Decorations - 906190

автор: jezla  |  19-09-2020, 01:26  |  Просмотров: 194    

Christmas Boho Border Bouquet Wreath Winter Decorations - 906190

Christmas Boho Border Bouquet Wreath Winter Decorations - 906190

PNG | 700 Mb

Christmas Boho Decorations collection includes many different compositions: wreaths, borders, frames, bouquets. They are decorated with winter leaves and branches (pine, xmas tree, cedar, willow), white flowers, hellebore, holiday boho, vintage and wooden wreaths, holiday wooden toys, Christmas bells, wooden lantern with candle, dry flowers and branches, dry orange slices. You can place them on transparent backgrounds.

• 32 Christmas compositions (high resolution 300 DPI PNG files with transparent background)
• 8 holiday colorful backgrounds (300 DPI PNG)

Presentation previews are not included! This collection includes Christmas compositions and colorful backgrounds. There are no separated elements. So you can’t change compositions. But if you want to edit or create your own compositions, you can find this collection with all separated elements in our store.

This Boho Christmas collection is perfect for holiday posters, wall art, greeting cards, gifts, logo, invitations, fine art, winter stationery, holiday stationery, branding identity, surface patterns, scrapbooking, gift wrapping paper, textile design, advertising, social media accounts promotion, packaging design, cases, blogs, web banners and any more...



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