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Seamless Watercolor Backgrounds - 5590717

автор: jezla  |  13-11-2020, 01:13  |  Просмотров: 146    

Seamless Watercolor Backgrounds - 5590717

Seamless Watercolor Backgrounds - 5590717

JPG PNG | 3600x3600 | 473 Mb

30 Seamless Watercolor Backgrounds and Brush Strokes.
Introducing Festive Green - a stylish and modern texture collection of 20 seamless watercolor backgrounds and 10 isolated watercolor brush strokes. This luxurious set features a classic green and gold holiday color palette with a contemporary twist. Dark moody greens and bright cool tones are combined with shimmering specks of gold and light copper creating an opulent and magical atmosphere of festive cheer and holiday glam.
The textures were hand painted, scanned and then digitally retouched and further manipulated. This pack includes plain watercolor textures as well as watercolor and gold designs featuring gold foil and glitter specks and splatters. These digital papers and brush strokes can be used as backgrounds or as clipping masks to overlay text and shapes. All backgrounds are seamless and tileable, which makes this texture pack very versatile.
This stylish collection is perfect for creating modern Christmas and New Year greeting cards, gift wrap and tags, winter wedding stationery and invitations. Design beautiful wall art and collages, textiles and packaging, lookbooks and moodboards. Spice up your logos and business cards, add a bit of opulence and glam to your branding and web design, social media posts and stories. This collection is perfect for both print and digital design projects.
·20 Watercolor Backgrounds - JPEG files, 3600 x 3600 px (12 x 12"), 300 DPI, seamless & tileable.
10 Watercolor Brush Strokes - PNG files with transparent backgrounds, sizes vary (minimum 419 px on the shortest side).



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