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Spring flowers. Watercolor effect - 1180944

автор: jezla  |  31-01-2021, 14:07  |  Просмотров: 283    

Spring flowers. Watercolor effect - 1180944

Spring flowers. Watercolor effect - 1180944

PNG EPS | 117 Mb

The product contains two ready-made illustrations with an elegant cup and delicate spring crocuses. Illustrations in two versions - on a beautiful background with a watercolor texture and isolated on a transparent background. They are adorned with individually decorated orange and white crocus flowers and two floral frames. One frame is square, the other is round. Cute seamless patterns fit perfectly with the overall style and range of images.
The archive contains:
- 2 PNG illustrations with a cup and crocuses on a watercolor background;
- 2 PNG illustrations with a cup and crocuses on a transparent background;
- 9 PNG of individual floral elements;
- 1 PNG with multi-colored hearts;
- 2 PNG with floral frames with white backing;
- 2 PNG with floral frames on a transparent background;
- 2 PNG with flower frames with white background and shadow;
- 4 PNG seamless patterns;
- 4 EPS10 illustrations with cups and crocuses;
- 1 general EPS10 with floral elements and hearts;
- 2 EPS10 with floral frames;
- 4 EPS10 seamless patterns



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