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Woodland Scene Creator Animals Trees Butterflies Backgrounds - 1206438

автор: jezla  |  12-02-2021, 00:46  |  Просмотров: 178    

Woodland Scene Creator Animals Trees Butterflies Backgrounds - 1206438

Woodland Scene Creator Animals Trees Butterflies Backgrounds - 1206438

PNG JPG | 609 Mb

Into The Woods is the collection of 38 individual hand drawn illustrations featuring different woodland animals and other elements of nature: trees, bushes, flowers, leaves and butterflies. These individual objects will help you create a lovely woodland scene – you don’t need to be able to draw, just drop them on the canvas and vois la! By the way, the set includes 7 ready-made canvases: 5 real paper backgrounds of muted natural colours, and 2 paper backgrounds with ready-drawn landscape (grass, hills, mountains etc) so all you need to do is just mix and match your forest elements to create a lovely illustration, which will make a cute card, a book illustration or a posted for you wall. I’ve also included a set of pre-made cards on real paper background: 6 cards with straight edges and 6 cards with deckled edges.
The set includes:
Fox x3
Bear x 1
Deer (doe) x1
Rabbit x 2
Bird x 2
Owl x 1
Hedgehog x 1
Butterfly x 3
Florals and Leaves x 16
Trees and Bushes x 8
Paper backgrounds x 5
Pre-painted landscape backdrop x 2
Pre-made cards with straight edges x 6
Pre-made cards with deckled edges x 6

These illustrations are also great to use for arts and crafts, scrapbooking, stationery, card making, stickers, planners, blog banners and backgrounds, logo elements, wall art and many more.

Product details:

?? 38 individual illustrations .PNG files (transparent background)
?? 5 real paper background .JPEG files of different colours and dimensions
?? 2 real paper background .JPEG files with painted landscape / scenery / backdrop
?? 6 pre-made cards with straight edges – .JPEG files
?? 6 pre-made cards with deckled edges – .JPEG files



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