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Window Frames Overlays Christmas Freeze Holiday photoshop - 1132948

автор: jezla  |  13-02-2021, 14:51  |  Просмотров: 148    

Window Frames Overlays Christmas Freeze Holiday photoshop - 1132948

Window Frames Overlays Christmas Freeze Holiday photoshop - 1132948

PNG | 6000x4000 | 213 mb

Christmas window overlay & Snow overlay, Photoshop overlay: Christmas overlays, window frame overlays, Frozen window backdrop, frame png

5 window overlay & frozen photo frames png (size 6000x4000 px 300 DPI, PNG)

Make your Christmas compositions festive!
Please yourself because it is a pleasure to improve your compositions with our decorative winter frames in one click!
Take any of your photos and make them the most beautiful and fabulous by simply placing them in a digital window. This method is ideal for creating invitations, banners or greeting cards, banner images for websites, blogs or illustrations for flyers, posters and more.
We have many great frame options for you. Our frames are also covered with snow or ice, decorated with snowflakes. Each drawing is made so that it fits any work, it is made using modern design methods. Discover our frame package and use for your photos. Customize the frames to your taste with the most popular graphic programs such as Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey, Gimp, Photoshop Elements, etc. You can use an extensive collection of decorated windows to decorate texts.

Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, PicMonkey etc.)
- Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers



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