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Valentine's photo overlays, photoshop, blowing heart, kiss - 1132964

автор: jezla  |  13-02-2021, 15:55  |  Просмотров: 173    

Valentine's photo overlays, photoshop, blowing heart, kiss - 1132964

Valentine's photo overlays, photoshop, blowing heart, kiss - 1132964

PNG | 6000x4000 | 111 mb

Valentines overlay photoshop & Bokeh heart backdrop. Digital Valentines day backdrop, Blowing heart png overlays, Falling heart clipart

Details: 23 photo overlays high resolution (6000x4000px - 300dpi - PNG)

Light a fire of loving each other's hearts.

An excellent, dreamy background created specifically for your romantic photos, texts and designs. We have created for you 23 amazing sparkling heart bokeh.
Romantic overlays are perfect for background effects. All of our images provide you with heart overlays in different sizes and different colors. Let your ideas come true with our heart bokeh. To use our overlays you need just a few clicks of the mouse: just drag the overlays onto your images and choose the heart size that suits you. These overlays are compatible with all graphic programs. Indulge yourself and your design with a dose of romantic heart overlays. To get a bokeh effect, use one heart in the center or combine several overlays into one composition. Our hearts are perfect for any romantic job.

Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey's Photo Editor, etc.)
Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers



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