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Plastic Texture Branding Bundle Wrap - 5753362

автор: jezla  |  22-03-2021, 11:24  |  Просмотров: 197    

Plastic Texture Branding Bundle Wrap - 5753362

Plastic Texture Branding Bundle Wrap - 5753362

PNG JPG | 6000x4000 | 1.1 Gb

With this bundle you have get 35 Professional .PNG Textures in various styles in high-resolution. Images carefully photographed and edited to help you realistically simulate plastic wraps, shrink wraps, cling film, cellophane, vacuum sealing, blister packs, plastic bags and bubble wrap in your mockups and design projects. Great for overlay effects and can add a touch of creativity and abstract appeal to any kind of image that you wish to work with. Easily transform, scale and crop to any needed size.
·35 Transparent .PNG files
·6000x4000 px
·300 dpi
Import one of the textures onto your image and set the blending mode to 'Screen' or 'Liner Dodge'. Also, changing the opacity may help depending on your image! For heavy feel just duplicate texture x2 or x3 times.
Perfect for portfolio displays, social media, packaging designers, flyers, album covers, stickers and editorial layout mockups.


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