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Sea Mist watercolor alphabet - 6221625

автор: jezla  |  4-07-2021, 13:21  |  Просмотров: 149    

Sea Mist watercolor alphabet - 6221625

Sea Mist watercolor alphabet - 6221625

PNG JPG | 169 Mb

This listing is for the complete alphabet and numbers 0 - 9 in blue watercolor wash, decorated with hand painted watercolor flowers in shades of blue, turquoise and grey. Thirteen floral sprays and 30 individual floral elements are included. These letters are perfect for wall art, because they are large (10 X 10 inches) and can be enlarged to 1 1/2 times their size without pixelating. Ideal for many other applications such as logo design, card making, scrap booking and decoupage.
All clip art items are given in high resolution (300 DPI) JPEG and PNG file formats. JPEG files have a white background and PNG files have a transparent background. The elements are given in PNG format.
The letters and the numbers measure 10 X 10 inches (3000 X 3000 pixels). The 13 sprays measure 3.5 X 5.5 inches (1050 X 1650 pixels).
The individual elements vary in size, being on average 3 X 3 inches. For example, individual flowers measure 2.7 X 2.6 inches. Floral clusters measure 2.9 X 4.8 inches. Branches measure 2.1 X 3.8 inches.



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