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Vector Bird Logo - 6510411

автор: jezla  |  17-09-2021, 12:53  |  Просмотров: 107    

Vector Bird Logo - 6510411

Vector Bird Logo - 6510411


Vector Bird Logo is hand drawn set of cute vector emblem wild dove illustrations. Here is symbol big modern calligraphy graphic bundle that can help you to create postcards, invitations, posters, patterns, tee prints, brand design and etc. Collection contains many variations of pigeons.
This logotype icon of animals can be used for peace concept, beauty, cosmetics, clothing, handicraft, decor, design, advertising agency, model agency, television, brand channel, blog, tableware, fashion, photography, school, club, jewelry and accessory, and production of organic product and culinary product, baby product, social media etc.
Each design is saved as vector ai, eps, svg, dxf files and separate png image files with a transparent background.
·28 calligraphic birds in black (AI 10, EPS 10, DXF, SVG, high-res PNG (4000x4000) with transp. background);
·28 calligraphic birds in white (AI 10, EPS 10, DXF, SVG, high-res PNG (4000x4000) with transp. background).
All items are good organized what makes them easy to use.



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