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150 Crystal Light Leak Overlay - 6252246

автор: jezla  |  18-04-2022, 02:41  |  Просмотров: 100    

150 Crystal Light Leak Overlay - 6252246

150 Crystal Light Leak Overlay - 6252246

JPG | 1.5 Gb

This crystal light leak overlay is a kind of prism overlay that would provide extra charm for your photos. It’s a big bundle overlay providing various light leak collections in red, blue, yellow, etc. This pack would help you to process your photo taken easily. You just need to add it on top of your photo and blend it to generate the photos you want. It might transform your photos magically, such as change your photo nuance instantly.
These light leak overlays might be best for dark photos or those that have low exposure. If you have bad lighting photographed, try to blend it with this crystal light leak, which may help you overcome it. In another case, if you have a boring composition for your photos taken, some crystal touch on your photo might turn it to be more attractive. These crystal or prism overlays would definitely be helpful to make your photos stunning instantly. There is no doubt to get all of this pack in a whole, this collection is worth collecting because it has its uniqueness and authenticity. Look at those previews above, this collection would generate your photos to be extra charming effortlessly.



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