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Seamless Fabric Patterns Bundle

автор: kisimka  |  9-12-2014, 23:45  |  Просмотров: 170 867    

Seamless Fabric Patterns Bundle

Seamless Fabric Patterns Bundle
PNG, JPG, All Files l Adobe CS1+ l 223 mb

This mega bundle of seamless fabric patterns includes everything you'll need for including a retro, grunge, or realistic fabric pattern and texture in your designs. Included are 8 sets:

10 Seamless Denim Patterns
- Designed at 250x250px
- Styles ranging from dark denim to stonewashed
- PAT, JPG and PSD files included

Seamless Fabric Patterns Vol 1
- 10 Varying small repeating patterns, perfect for quick loading
- Subtle colorful fabric textures
- PNG, PAT and sample PSD files included

Seamless Fabric Patterns Vol 2
- 10 patterns included
- PAT and PSD files

Seamless Fabric Textures
- 10 patterns designed at 800x800px
- Styles including denim, herringbone, linen, sweater, and more
- PNG and PAT files included

Seamless Grunge Canvas Patterns
- 12 beautiful seamless grunge canvas patterns in neutral colors
- Designed at 1000px square
- PNG and PAT files included

Seamless Retro Fabric Patterns
- 15 seamless polyester-like retro fabric patterns
- PAT and example PSD file included

Seamless Subtle Grunge Fabric Patterns
- 10 seamless white grunge fabric patterns
- Designed at 1024x1024px
- PAT and PNG files included

Seamless Woven Patterns
- 11 funky and seamless chunky sweater patterns
- PAT and example PSD file included

You get all 88 of these unique patterns for just $29. You won't need another seamless fabric bundle with this complete set.


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