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Vintage Sports Patches Graphic Styles - JNG6XLR

автор: jezla  |  4-08-2024, 20:00  |  Просмотров: 35    

Vintage Sports Patches Graphic Styles - JNG6XLR

Vintage Sports Patches Graphic Styles - JNG6XLR

AI EPS | 5 Mb


Use these Adobe Illustrator Graphic Styles to create scalable vector tackle twill patches.
Tackle twill is a type of material commonly used in sports uniforms and athletic apparel. The name "tackle twill" comes from its original use in American football uniforms, where it was chosen for its ability to withstand the rigors of the game (tackling). Tackle twill is often used for creating sewn-on letters, numbers, and designs on jerseys and other sports clothing. These elements are typically cut from the fabric in desired shapes (such as letters or logos), then stitched onto the garment using a zigzag or satin stitch. This stitching not only secures the fabric but also adds a decorative, raised look that stands out against the background fabric.


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