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Mid-Century Mixed Media Collection - 3416159 - UHLY7GA

автор: jezla  |  16-12-2024, 13:43  |  Просмотров: 21    

Mid-Century Mixed Media Collection - 3416159 - UHLY7GA

Mid-Century Mixed Media Collection - 3416159 - UHLY7GA

AI | 349 Mb

Mid-Century artwork is instantly recognizable by it's simple, undulating inky outlines, angular, irregular shapes, impossible perspective and naturalistic textures. It's these characteristics that I've captured in this diverse Illustrator brush pack - it really shouts mid-century down to the last detail!
So, whether you want to create simple cartoon outline illustrations or rich, deeply textured children's book artwork, this pack has the right tool for the job. It includes loads of classic and unusual ink outlines, pencil doodles, halftone and pastel shaders. I've also included a halftone repeat pattern for filling areas quickly with authentic print texture.
All brushes have been tested on a range of illustration styles to ensure the best functionality and aesthetics - take a look at the screen-shots to see for yourself.

All brushes are pattern brushes, which means you can use one brush to make a variety of stroke lengths and they don't distort over long strokes.

The pack contains all of these fantastic components:
The Brushes
·13 Ink outline brushes.
·2 Ink wave brushes.
·3 Ink dots and loop brushes.
·3 Ink dash brushes.
·2 Pencil outline brushes.
·5 Pencil doodle brushes.
·3 Pencil star scatter brushes.
·2 Hatched pencil brush.
·2 Pencil dot brush.
·1 Pastel shader brush.
·1 Halftone shader brush.


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