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Real Elegance Light Leaks (20-Pack) - Motion Graphics (Videohive)

автор: maserpp  |  30-09-2015, 01:36  |  Просмотров: 87 046    

Real Elegance Light Leaks (20-Pack) - Motion Graphics (Videohive)

Real Elegance Light Leaks (20-Pack) - Motion Graphics (Videohive)
Alpha Channel: No | QuickTime (.mov) | 1920x1080 | 25 August 12 | Looped Video: No | Video Encoding: H.264 | 181mb

Real lens light-leaks, great for giving a boost of organic radiant energy or help with transitions on your footage or photos.
Includes 20 overlay/light-leaks filmed in 1920?1080 fullHD, of various durations. Each fades in and out.
To be used with blend/composite/transfer modes and can be stacked (2 or more together)

1) drop one (or more files) on a layer on top of your footage with a blend mode; the previews are using AfterEffect’s “Screen”, “Add” or “Lighten” transfers modes
2) use a “Contrast” and/or “Saturation” effect on each file to control how much the they “pop”
3) if you want to use shorter sections you can easily trim or animate/keyframe the opacity
4) need more? blur, zoom-in/flip/flop & change hue for more variations!
4.1) because they are overlays, that means you can zoom up to a section and still maintain quality, meaning many looks are possible!

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