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Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

автор: Hottei83  |  1-10-2013, 02:10  |  Просмотров: 174 458    

Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

Видеоуроки по созданию иллюстрации для книги.

Illustrator is a powerful vector graphics program that many artists believe is just for logos. We're here to tell you this just isn’t the case. As we’ll see in this training, we can create some really great, powerful illustrations all right inside of Illustrator.
While working through this illustration, we will learn several different methods for quickly creating a variety of custom shapes including the pen tool, the pencil tool and the blob brush. We’ll learn how we can utilize Photoshop’s brush engine to create shapes for noise or structure that we can use in Illustrator. We will also learn how we can include things like gradients, transparency and blend modes in our illustrations.
After completing this Illustrator tutorial, you should have a strong understanding of the tools and techniques as well as my thought process in creating a strong narrative illustration all inside Adobe Illustrator.

1. Introduction and project overview
2. Reviewing the composition and setting up the Illustrator file
3. Creating structural shapes in Photoshop
4. Blocking in the foreground shapes
5. Blocking in the mid-ground shapes
6. Blocking in the background shapes
7. Drawing trunk detail for the foreground trees
8. Adding color to the bark detail for the foreground trees
9. Creating the base foliage for our trees
10. Breaking up the mountains in the background
11. Building the river using a gradient mesh
12. Creating color variation in the waterfall
13. Creating water spray for the waterfall
14. Blending the background with texture shapes
15. Adding mid-ground detail
16. Adding a silhouetted raft
17. Adding in final details

Доп. информация: Необходимое ПО для выполнения проекта: Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6

Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Digital Tutors
Автор: Eddie Russell
Тип: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Формат видео: FLV
Видео: AVC, 1280*720 pixels, 16:9, 15 fps, 600-900 Kbit/s
Аудио: AAC, 44.1 KHz, stereo
Продолжительность: 2 ч. 56 мин.
Размер: 958.5 Mb

Скачать Creating Narrative Illustrations in Illustrator (2013)

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