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Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity

автор: Bolikostmen  |  23-12-2013, 23:19  |  Просмотров: 125 541    

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity

Digital Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity
Duration 1h 9m Level Intermediate Project Files Included 15 FPS MP4 | 338 MB

In this series of tutorials we will learn the basics of scripting shaders in Unity.

We will start out by discussing the fundamentals of shaders where we'll learn about what a shader is, what shader languages are available in Unity and how to properly structure a shader. Once that is out of the way, we'll jump into creating a very simple shader to reinforce the foundation lesson. Then we'll start to add more and more functionality to our shader like how to add textures through properties. Then we'll learn about lighting models by modifying our shader to accept a specular map. We'll even add control to the inspector to adjust the overall glossiness of the shader. Finally, we'll finish off the training by adding emissive and alpha maps to our shaders.

Home Page: _http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1438-Introduction-to-Scripting-Shaders-in-Unity

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Scripting Shaders in Unity


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