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Digital-Tutors - Creating Vegetation for Games in 3ds Max and Mudbox

автор: Bolikostmen  |  31-12-2013, 19:34  |  Просмотров: 158 081    

Digital-Tutors - Creating Vegetation for Games in 3ds Max and Mudbox

Digital Tutors - Creating Vegetation for Games in 3ds Max and Mudbox
Duration 3h 15m Level Intermediate Project Files Included.

In this series of tutorials we will cover how to create vegetation for games. To begin we?ll start out small by creating grass. We?ll discuss a workflow that will allow us to create a very specific look by using splines to shape our grass.

After that we?ll learn how to bake our textures and how to assemble them for use in the Unity game engine. After that we?ll learn how to create a low polygon tree. We?ll go through the process of modeling, sculpting and texture our tree. We?ll also look at a method used to create branches. Finally, we?ll end the course by learning how to add our grass and tree into the terrain system in Unity.

Home: _http://www.digitaltutors.com


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