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Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014

автор: Bolikostmen  |  31-12-2013, 20:12  |  Просмотров: 186 371    

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014

Digital - Tutors: Introduction to Rigging in Maya
Software: Autodesk Maya 2014 | Project Files: Included | 2.16 GB

This set of tutorials will provide you with a firm understanding of Maya's rigging tools. We'll start by learning the basics, like how to establish solid naming conventions, how to create joint chains, and how to work with Maya's Inverse Kinematics system. We'll then get into more challenging topics like how to set up a Spline IK system with advanced twist control, how to enhance your controls with the help of Driven Keys and the Node Editor, as well as how to utilize a few deformers that are very important rigging tools. We'll learn how create our own jiggle tool, for fast follow-through and overlapping effects, by using standard tools inside of Maya. We'll even learn how to create custom commands that can be run from Maya's Command Line and Script Editor. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge you need to start rigging your own assets in Maya.

Homepage: _www.digitaltutors.com

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2014


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