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Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya

автор: Bolikostmen  |  3-04-2014, 19:04  |  Просмотров: 143 996    

Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya

Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya
376.94 MB | AVC | 1280x720 | 15.000 fps | 178 Kbps | AAC LC | 32.0 KHz | 96.0 Kbps | English


In this tutorial you'll learn some of Maya's often overlooked tools which if embraced, can help dramatically speed up your workflow.

We'll begin by utilizing its dynamics systems to automate the animation of key areas, like the snakes on Medusa's head, while also adding the ability to override the snakes motion, allowing an animator to also pose and hand animate them as well. Once the dynamics are in place we'll look at MEL, Maya's powerful scripting language, to help create and apply a basic rig to tie all the controls together.

Finally we'll look at using nCache as well as baking the dynamics onto the joints so the animation can be exported to a game engine or another application without any loss of data.

By the end of this training you'll have the ability to build a controllable dynamic based system into your own characters, or even environments, as well as generate a simple script to help with those repetitive tasks.

Home Page: _http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=1544
Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya
Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya
Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya
Digital-Tutors - Creating Secondary Animation Using Dynamics in Maya


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