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Dosch Design HDRI – USA Road Backplates

автор: Bolikostmen  |  28-11-2013, 20:35  |  Просмотров: 95 699    

Dosch Design HDRI – USA Road Backplates

Dosch Design: HDRI – USA Road Backplates
HDri | 6.72 GB

Dosch HDRI: USA Road Backplates contains 15 backplate sets or sceneries. Each set depicts one scene through backplate images, plus the corresponding HDRI for lighting of objects – and their reflections.Through combination of the background image and an HDR-image of the object that is to be depicted at that exact location, absolutely realistic overall results are possible.

Background Backplate + 3D model of a product + HDRI for Reflections & Illumination = Perfect Result

The backplates are provided in a resolution of 7216 x 5412 pixel – and the highest resolution of the Spherical Map HDRIs is 13000 x 6500 pixel.

Radiosity – and therefore the use of HDRIs is directly supported in many 3D-applications like Lightwave (version 6.0 and higher), Softimage|XSI, Maya & Mentalray, Pixar RenderMan, Bryce 6, Autodesk VIZ, messiah:render (Arnold), InSight (Integra), 3ds-max & VRay, 3ds-max & Brazil r/s (Splutterfish), 3ds-max & finalRender (Cebas), Cinema4D Version 8.1 and more. For further HDRI-rendering tools options the documentation of the used 3D-program should be consulted.

And each HDR image is provided in the industry standard .HDR. So they are useable in most rendering applications.


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