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TurboSquid – Collection of Vegetables

автор: Bolikostmen  |  14-12-2013, 21:43  |  Просмотров: 97 459    

TurboSquid – Collection of Vegetables

TurboSquid – Collection of Vegetables
3ds | c4d | lwo | 3D models | 227 MB

Realistic 3d model of Collection of Vegetables. Detailed enough for close-up renders.

14 models:
1. Broccoli.
2. Cabbage.
3. Carrot.
4. Chili pepper.
5. Cucumber.
6. Eggplant.
7. Garlic.
8. Onion.
9. Onion green.
10. Parsley.
11. Pepper sweet.
12. Potato.
13. Radish.
14. Tomato.

- hi-poly model
- Two *.max files included Standart materials and Vray-materials
- hi-poly model with meshsmooth modifier
- not colaps smooth modified (max file)
- Files (3ds, obj, fbx, lwo, c4d) contain two models of hi-poly, mid-poly
- Big size textures *.jpeg format included
- file format – max2009, 3ds, obj, fbx, lwo, c4d included
- original file format – max 2009
- to all objects and materials in a scene names are appropriated
- real world size
- coordinates of the location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0)
- files with the model does not contain extraneous or hidden objects (lights, cameras, etc.)
- three forms and colors

In formats c4d, 3ds, lwo, obj, fbx – model exported to standard materials.


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