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TurboQuid - Photorealistic Bed

автор: Bolikostmen  |  9-01-2014, 20:19  |  Просмотров: 94 439    

TurboQuid - Photorealistic Bed

TurboQuid - Photorealistic Bed
3D Model | Format: .max,.obj | 134.32 MB

Highly detailed and high-poly model of a bed.

The model has an organic feel to add a touch of bohemian disorder to your archviz scenes.

The 3ds Max (2010+) archive comes fully textured and shaded for use in Vray 2+. The studio setup used to create the preview renders is included in the scene.

The OBJ version includes only the geometry of the bed and no material definitions. However, the mesh retains all the original UVs, allowing for fast material creation.

Both archives include several high-resolution home fabric textures, seamlessly tileable and complete with normal or bump maps. High-res Plywood textures are also

Only the bed and the studio render are included in the archives. The render featuring the bed in a fully furnished room is only there to showcase the bed model - no other items but the bed are


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