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700+ Lightroom Presets Bundle 3061618

автор: michaa47  |  3-11-2018, 20:06  |  Просмотров: 1 107    

700+ Lightroom Presets Bundle 3061618
700+ Lightroom Presets Bundle 3061618


This is the perfect professional chance, to try 700+ Ultimate Lightroom Presets Bundle and find new inspiration. Art Zooted built these presets to help you add unique and clean looks to your Portrait photography work too!
Lightroom presets are incredibly helpful once it comes to creating a smooth and easy professional workflow. Anyone can use our Presets to quickly edit their images. All Presets are designed to work with Lightroom 4.5.6 & cc raw & jpg cross platform.All they have been created with precise calibration adjustments and clean arrangement to bring your images to life using powerful tools & professional methods. Enjoy high quality Looks that don't break the bank. Lightroom Presets are the perfect tool to save time when retouching your images and find new ways to refine style.A Lightroom preset is just a set of photo editing settings within Lightroom that are bundled into one click, allowing you to edit photos much more efficiently than you'd otherwise by repeating the same settings and editing steps one by one. Using the right high-quality preset, you'll be able to start getting excellent results instantly. It's time to think about start using Adobe Lightroom presets or upgrading your old with a new, more powerful collection!

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