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Skin Retouch Photoshop Actions Vol 2 1201664

автор: michaa47  |  15-01-2019, 15:08  |  Просмотров: 302    

Skin Retouch Photoshop Actions Vol 2 1201664
Skin Retouch Photoshop Actions Vol 2 1201664
ATN | Size: 1.6 Mb

Build your client base instead of wasting your time editing your images. Skin Retouch Photoshop Actions V.2 Kit Actions are easy to use. Grab your copy & Let your creativity to a different level by creating your own unique style.
Skin Retouch Photoshop Actions Kit Actions are easy to customize. After playing an action, simply open the action folder in the layers palette and adjust each individual layer's opacity, blending mode you have the power to adjust as necessary to fine tune each action to your personal needs.
✔️️ Limitless Looks
Our sets is the ultimate tool for artistic control comes through the use of the layer masks built into each action. Every action finishes playing with either a black or white layer mask attached in the layers palette
✔️️ Very Easy to Use
Actions is the ability to adjust and tweak them to fit your specific needs perfectly. We bend and break the rules to make these , and see what you find. You will surprise yourself.
✔️️ Extremely versatile actions to provide you with the highest quality editing resources
Skin Retouch is the worlds most advanced skin retouching actions kit. This actions kit will let you retouch portraits in a fraction of the time with only a beginners knowledge of Photoshop. You can create matte effect, airbrush, heal and improve skin using the same techniques professionals use.

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