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CM - Yoga 356179

автор: GFXander  |  8-09-2015, 19:01  |  Просмотров: 32 343    

CM - Yoga 356179

CM - Yoga 356179
PPTX | Layered | 72 DPI | 1920 x 1080 px, 1440 x 1080 px | 15.53 Mb

This Yoga presentation template contains various sources that are necessary and useful to make your presentation professional and effective while you talk about Yoga. It includes various types of infographics, charts, diagrams and etc. that can be used to visualize your data and data analysis results, information and etc. All elements, colors, shapes and charts can be easily modified and edited to meet your needs: all charts are linked to excel making it more convenient for you to utilize. The template comes in 3 color variations and 2 size variations providing you various options to choose from and therefore enabling to you make the best presentation.


120 slides (color: blue, green, red)
PPTX files
All elements, colors, shapes and charts can be modified and edited easily
Slide Size: Standard(4:3), Wide(16:9)


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