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Actions for Photoshop / Wedding - 4469548

автор: grin-grey  |  2-03-2020, 10:19  |  Просмотров: 198    

Actions for Photoshop / Wedding - 4469548

Actions for Photoshop / Wedding - 4469548
ATN | 43.65 MB

Actions for Adobe Photoshop / Wedding Fantasy
Wedding photography is the photography of activities relating to weddings. It encompasses photographs of the couple before marriage as well as coverage of the wedding and reception. Wedding time is one of the most important and memorable days of every couple's life. We love to create images that stand alone as art pieces and tell the story of wedding day. Wedding photography filled with many emotions, joy, love and the feeling of warmth. This is our inspiration.
Click to see PDF preview album- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_TzBuceZ6czVW9nZGl0d0swNlk/view
Wedding Fantasy Actions collection contains 10 collections / 180 actions:
1.Wedding Portrait (workflow collection)
3.Dolce Vita
4.Love Story
5.Wedding Elegance
6.Deja Vu
7.There's Always the Sun
8.Le Jardin d'Eden
9.Retro Romance
10.Moments / Monochrome Actions
This simple yet productive set of 180 actions will help you create great portrait effects and particularly wedding portraits!
Photoshop provides an intense variety of editing options to enhance your wedding photography. From corrective skin toning for portrait work to special color enhancements for images, Photoshop brings the power of professional editing into your work.
Photoshop actions can help you improve your workflow and perform complex techniques with the push of a button. In this collection, you'll find the best Photoshop actions that you can use to speed up your graphics creation.
Photoshop actions can be a big time saver, especially when you're trying to add a specific effect to a photo and you're not sure how to do it. In this collection you'll find a wide variety of actions, from vintage effects to amazing color effects.
Photoshop actions are perfect for novices to Photoshop simply because it allows you to apply multiple different photo effects to an image within a few seconds without having knowledge about the ins and outs of Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop opened up a whole world of possibilities for photographers and image editing experts by allowing them to develop automation within their work flow.
Retouching portraits is a rewarding but time-consuming task, this new release makes the job quick and easy - as simple as "1-Click". The retouching set is invaluable both for professional portraits and for quickly improving the casual snap. These set of actions include all you might need for portrait work in Photoshop, why spend $$$ on expensive plug in packs?
·Step by step instructions are included explaining how to apply and use content.
·Mac OS X and Windows compatible.
·Work great with Photoshop CS5 - CS6, Photoshop CC / 2015-2020
These actions can't be used in Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Touch


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