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12 Lightroom Presets Fitness Pro and ACR

автор: jezla  |  21-04-2020, 13:25  |  Просмотров: 182    

12 Lightroom Presets Fitness Pro and ACR

12 Lightroom Presets Fitness Pro and ACR

lrtemplate XMP | 8 mb

12 Fitness Pro Lightroom Presets, ACR presets
A collection that shows you more powerful than before to your audience. As we said, this collection is designed from 12 presets, each of which is designed for a specific skin and specific location.
This collection has different contrasts that help you look better due to your needs, for example, the presets that It has low contrast for sports such as yoga, cycling, and sports women’s photography,
and high-contrast collections are designed for more professional people, such as professional bodybuilders who need to see their great fiber better. In the end,
three of the presets in this collection were so different that one of them made the surroundings black and white and focused on you, and two presets black and white your photos, but with Different contrasts.
12 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate files)
12 ACR Presets (.xmp files)
02 Comprehensive Help Guide
fitness, Sport and Gym, yoga, indoor, club,
Instagram, bloggers, lifestyle, photography
-Lightroom 4, 5, 6, 7, CC (Creative Cloud) and Lightroom Classic
-Photoshop CS6 and above (with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 and later)
-Compatible with both Mac and PC
-Works on RAW and JPEG images



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