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Summer Caramel Mobile - Destkop Lightroom Presets

автор: jezla  |  17-07-2020, 00:57  |  Просмотров: 162    

Summer Caramel Mobile - Destkop Lightroom Presets

Summer Caramel Mobile - Destkop Lightroom Presets

XMP DNG | 5 mb

Summer Lightroom Desktop Mobile Preset | Summer Lightroom Mobile Preset DNG
Summer Caramel tone for Professional Editing
Summer Caramel tone has been designed to add a warm & dramatic tone to your Summer images. This modern Lightroom mobile preset will give to your photo a rich tone with cozy warm style. These filter were designed to have consistency when editing with Lightroom Mobile. Suggested use: portraits, outdoor weddings, still life & lifestyle, blogger images, fashion.
The presets are easy to adjust to fit your images and your taste, there are also slight variations in color and tone to ensure you find the right effect for your images.
*1 Mobile Lightroom Presets (.dng) *1 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.xmp) *Instructions - How to install Lightroom Presets (PDF)
*Made for Lightroom Desktop & Mobile *Works on RAW and JPEG images *Fully adjustable & customizable *PDF Installation Instructions Included *What are you waiting for? buy this preset pack today and start editing your photos like a pro!
·Why choose CreativePresets for your editing resources?·

Edit like a Pro Create standout photos in seconds with a comprehensive set of powerful but easy-to-use Lightroom presets and editing tools.
Created by Professionals Our presets are carefully crafted by a team of Professional photographers to ensure the highest level of quality.



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