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12 Deep Jungle Lightroom Presets - 777294

автор: jezla  |  2-08-2020, 22:48  |  Просмотров: 166    

12 Deep Jungle Lightroom Presets  - 777294

12 Deep Jungle Lightroom Presets - 777294

lrtemplate XMP | 5 mb

12 Deep Jungle Lightroom Presets, ACR presets
Looking for bronzed skin and turquoise pops of color? Discover our Deep Jungle Presets. The main focus is a deep and soft green color. This tropical preset set will make your greens and blues look moody and mysterious, adding your images a very trendy and sophisticated color look. This set will look great with tropical travel, beach, poolside, jungle, fashion, yoga, or food shots
This pack is designed specifically for Freelancers, influencers, and all others to improve light, color, contrast, tone, and vibrancy in Their photos. Just one click and you are ready to go posting your favorite photos on Instagram or Facebook. Deep Jungle is perfect to brighten your photos and give your pictures a tropical vibe any time of the year!
also, going on a trip this summer? Make your memories extra special with this deep jungle preset pack! These presets will effortlessly add a soft muted tone to your photos with the simple click of a button!
This pack is uniquely designed to work with a variety of photo settings. Each preset has been created and tested on different lighting and locations to ensure a perfect application to your photos every time.
Our presets are tested on a range of different photo styles. Please keep in mind all photos are unique and therefore each preset works differently on every photo. 
We are confident that our presets will add a beautiful touch to all your photos. The final touch may be done by you through small adjustments like changing the exposure to create your perfect image.
12 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate files)
12 ACR Presets (.xmp files)
2 Comprehensive Help Guide
Freelancers, Bloggers, photographers, portrait photography, Nature
Moody, vacations, Instagram, Travel, lifestyle, Outdoor, Vintage, Wedding, Event
-Lightroom 4, 5, 6, 7, CC (Creative Cloud) and Lightroom Classic
-Photoshop CS6 and above (with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 and later)
-Compatible with both Mac and PC
-Works on RAW and JPEG images



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