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10 Lightroom Presets | Sahara Desert 3918364

автор: jezla  |  11-09-2020, 01:57  |  Просмотров: 107    

10 Lightroom Presets | Sahara Desert 3918364

10 Lightroom Presets | Sahara Desert 3918364

lrtemplate XMP DNG | 5 mb

Sahara Desert themed lightroom presets. Ideal for the travel photographer and travel blogger. Can be used for multiple other themes that carry the same colour pallet.
This Pack of 10 presets will take your images to the next level. Go from amateur to pro at a click of a button. Rather than edit each photo from scratch, you can spend your time on the fine-tuning part of the editing process. ____
WHAT'S INCLUDED: 10 Desktop Lightroom Presets ____
>All presets are simple to use and fully adjustable for personalized customization
>Quality of the final image, once the presets have been used, may differ depending on the original image quality. These presets are recommended for use on high-resolution images shot with a professional DSLR
>Words on both Mac and PC
>For best results use on Camera RAW Images. Some Jpeg images will work too.
>Fully compatible and fully optimized for Lightroom 5, Lightroom 6, Lightroom Classic and Creative Cloud



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