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Bali Beach Lightroom Preset Dekstop & Mobile - 28325876

автор: jezla  |  19-09-2020, 23:20  |  Просмотров: 200    

Bali Beach Lightroom Preset Dekstop & Mobile - 28325876

Bali Beach Lightroom Preset Dekstop & Mobile - 28325876

XMP DNG | 26 mb

5 Bali Beach Lightroom Preset Dekstop & Mobile
(*) Presets are a great way to save time and produce professional results. You don’t have to be a pro, it’s really easy to use them. Based on your lighting conditions, camera settings and personal style you may need to make some minor tweaks. Presets are a very good base to work on, but they have maximum settings and are displayed differently on each image so it’s normal to make some adjustments if you think its necessary. You will be impressed with your photos and you will stand out from the crowd.
Improve your photos and make them pop out like a professional editor and get stunning results.
For: Instagram Bloggers / Influencers / photographers Result: Bright Mostly daylight photos Indoor & Outdoor Compatible with mobile and desktop version of Adobe Lightroom.
What do the files include? -You will receive 2 types of presets , both desktop and mobile versions. -5 files preset (.xmp) & mobile presets (.dng) . -Also a pdf file with instructions. -Mobile version works without Adobe subscription, all you need is Lightroom CC App on your phone (both iPhone and Android) See the instructions file on how to add your preset.



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