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Astro Photography Lightroom Presets 4843397

автор: jezla  |  24-09-2020, 20:05  |  Просмотров: 87    

Astro Photography Lightroom Presets 4843397

Astro Photography Lightroom Presets 4843397


Astro Photography Lightroom Presets And CameraRaw package includes 20 different filters designed to give your Astrophotography a sharp, colorful and dramatic look. These filters included to bring out bright, vibrant, sharpness & clarity in your images. Each preset has been hand designed to look great with a wide variety of night photography images. These presets to help with things like reducing light pollution, increasing contrast, adding color, and more!.
·20 Premium Presets tested in Lightroom .
·100% non-destructive, we have been tasted them on different photos, and the results is awesome.
·Professional and unique result achievable in one click.
·Compatible with both Mac and PC..
·Detailed help/Instructions PDF file included..
·Compatible with Lightroom 4.0 and higher.
Subjects include: Astrophotography / Night / Galaxy / Stars / Dark / Sky / Skies / Meteor / Moon / Cosmos / Outdoors / Nebula / Space / Milky Way / Photography
·20 Pro LR Template
·20 Pro CameraRaw Photoshop xmp
2 Readme.pdf



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