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10 Outdoor Mood Lightroom Desktop and Mobile Presets - 926298

автор: jezla  |  30-09-2020, 22:54  |  Просмотров: 273    

10 Outdoor Mood Lightroom Desktop and Mobile Presets - 926298

10 Outdoor Mood Lightroom Desktop and Mobile Presets - 926298

lrtemplate DNG | 16 mb

We like to have different photos when traveling to different places. We help your photos look different.
In this collection, we have designed 10 presets named Outdoor Mood. We love it when we go out of the house and have the experience of traveling to new places and review our album of memories and our social networks, we will be seen differently.
This time, we have designed three types of presets based on your request. Each of them has been designed and produced with several exposures.
To see what colors our product affects, take a look at the before and after photos that guide you in which one of the colors will be changed after implementation.
Finally, you will be seen as a professional with a few clicks. Just trust us.
10 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate files)
10 Mobile Lightroom Presets (.dng files)
02 Comprehensive Help Guide
Vacations, Forest, Indoor, Instagram, and Portrait Photography.
Photographers, Bloggers, Lifestyle, Outdoor, and wedding photography.
-Lightroom 4, 5, 6, 7, CC (Creative Cloud) and Lightroom Classic
-Compatible with both Mac and PC
-Works on RAW and JPEG images
-Adobe Lightroom Mobile
-Works with & without Adobe subscription
-Compatible with iPhone or Android device



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