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Neon overlay & Sparkler overlays, Photoshop overlay - 934412

автор: jezla  |  5-10-2020, 15:31  |  Просмотров: 208    

Neon overlay & Sparkler overlays, Photoshop overlay - 934412

Neon overlay & Sparkler overlays, Photoshop overlay - 934412

PNG | 6000x4000 | 188 mb

Neon overlay & Sparkler overlays, Photoshop overlay: Bokeh overlay, Holographic light photo overlays, Christmas lights overlays, party light
40 NEON BOKEH OVERLAYS textures backgrounds

Details: 40 NEON BOKEH OVERLAYS (6000x4000px - 300dpi - JPEG)

Our gorgeous photoshop overlay package will create you a cool, creative background and you will create exciting effects. Sparkler overlays in JPG format and can be used in compositions, projects. This bokeh overlays pack is compatible with all popular graphics programs. Just select the appropriate bokeh and drag it using Photoshop onto your image - it's easy! Ideal for any projects, studio shoots, especially for Christmas, Newborns and Valentine's Day, Wedding.

The textures in this collection can not only decorate, but also provide lightness, brilliance and freshness for any of your images. Add glitter to your images with ease! Add some magical bokeh (little balls of light!) To your photos with one click. Layer multiple bokeh overlays on one image for amazing results. Our bokeh style textures for wedding art are designed to create an interplay of light and dark to highlight the most impressive moments of one of the most important days in life. You will create the most creative work!

Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey's Photo Editor, etc.)
Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers
?photo (С) AdobeStock



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