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CreativeMarket - Calming Neutrals Lightroom Presets 4935953

автор: jezla  |  2-11-2020, 01:29  |  Просмотров: 100    

CreativeMarket - Calming Neutrals Lightroom Presets 4935953

CreativeMarket - Calming Neutrals Lightroom Presets 4935953

XMP DNG | 32 mb

This product features:
·10 Original Lightroom Presets of the Calming Neutrals color palette
·26 quick tools for white balance, exposure, film look, grain, vibrancy, etc.
·Compatible with Adobe Lightroom CC 7.5. or 7.3 and newer. Adobe Photoshop CS6 or later.
·Fully compatible with the paid and free versions of Lightroom CC mobile for iOS and Android
·Choose between XMP or DNG presets (DNG presets do NOT include tool presets)
·The collection does NOT include LRT files for older Lightroom versions
·3 Installation Guides for XMP and DNG files (Lightroom & Photoshop)
The Calming Neutrals Collection features 36 carefully crafted Lightroom presets, inspired by subtle earth tones. Desaturated hues, reminiscent of pale sandy beach dunes, washed-out concrete floors and natural linen cloth, come together in this unique color palette. With the desaturated toning and beige and grey shades, this harmonious color palette adds a neutral but warm feel to your photos.
Best for: all kinds of photography
Ideal for: Social media enthusiasts, stock photographers, content creators, e-commerce shop owners, Etsy sellers, bloggers, web designers, hobby photographers, creative entrepreneurs, or any other picture taker who wants a quick editing solution to give photos a cohesive, branded look and aesthetics.



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