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Light Airy Lightroom Preset & Mobile - 22866690 -3138187

автор: jezla  |  14-11-2020, 01:36  |  Просмотров: 80    

Light Airy Lightroom Preset & Mobile - 22866690 -3138187

Light Airy Lightroom Preset & Mobile - 22866690 -3138187

Lrtemplate DNG | 7 mb

Light & Airy Lightroom Preset that will give you breathtaking imagery you (and your clients) are sure to love! Finally, you can edit easily . These filter were designed to have consistency when editing with Lightroom. This collection is extremely versatile, we suggest use it for: portraits, outdoor weddings, seniors, child and family sessions
you know you could book more weddings or sessions and raise your prices if only you had a super consistent style!
• editing faster and with confidence is something you desire.
• you want an easy and applicable solution to start editing your photos faster and more consistently!
• you want to consistently edit with the same colors and tones!
you can make adjustments to your RAW images to help you achieve clean images that you, and your ideal clients will love!!
User Friendly, Easy to Use, One Click, Lightroom Presets to help you achieve better imagery for your blog.
Files Included:
·- 10 Premium Presets tested in Lightroom Moible in DNG Format
·– 10 Premium Lightroom Presets
·– Help PDF file
·10 Premium Presets tested in Lightroom
·100% non-destructive, we have been tasted them on different photos, and the results is awesome
·Professional and unique result achievable in one click
·Compatible with both Mac and PC.
·Compatible with Lightroom Mobile App on your phone (iPhone + Android)
·Installation Instructions are included.
Compatible with Lightroom 4.0 and higher.



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