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10 Turquoise Photoshop Actions and ACR

автор: jezla  |  15-12-2020, 12:25  |  Просмотров: 66    

10 Turquoise Photoshop Actions and ACR

10 Turquoise Photoshop Actions and ACR

ATN XMP | 10 Mb


Orange and teal are also some basic colors that look good together and complement each other. The Orange and Teal look is easy enough to get, creating contrast by using these complimentary colors to add depth to your shot. This beautiful collection specially handcrafted to enhance your photography and bring out these rich tones in your images just in a few clicks.
—–This set includes—–
-10 Unique photoshop actions (.atn file)
-1 installation guide For photoshop action (.pdf file)
-10 Unique ACR Presets (.xmp file)
-1 installation guide for Adobe Camera Raw(ACR) presets (.pdf file)
—–More details about these actions—–
-Compatible with Photoshop CC and later (with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 and later)
-Instantly download the digital file
-Works on RAW and JPEG images
-100% adjustable and customizable
—–More details about these ACR presets—–
-Compatible with Photoshop CS6 and later (with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 and later)
-Instantly download the digital file
-Works on RAW and JPEG images
-100% adjustable and customizable



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