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Bel Fiore Portrait Presets - 5738584

автор: jezla  |  12-01-2021, 13:38  |  Просмотров: 89    

Bel Fiore Portrait Presets - 5738584

Bel Fiore Portrait Presets - 5738584

Lrtemplate XMP DNG | 11 mb

Bell Fiore set offers authentic, airy and soft presets designed to add that special color touch that will make your images really stand out.
Great for professionals or amateurs, these presets work on desktop or mobile and provide an effortless toning workflow for any photography project. 14 color schemes and variations will match your settings and shooting style.
·Bel Fiore - Uno
·Bel Fiore - Uno -soft
·Bel Fiore - Uno -dark
·Bel Fiore - Uno -warm
·Bel Fiore - Uno -warm -dark
·Bel Fiore II - Bruciato
·Bel Fiore II - Bruciato -soft
·Bel Fiore II - Bruciato -dark
·Bel Fiore III - Facilita
·Bel Fiore III - Facilita -dark
·Bel Fiore IV - Serenita
·Bel Fiore IV - Serenita -dark
·Bel Fiore V - Neve
·Bel Fiore V - Neve -dark
·100% adjustable and automatic
·Easy to use and to install, PDF instructions included
·Multi-platform, works on desktop and mobile, Mac and PC:
oin Adobe Lightroom (.xmp and .lrtemplate for older versions);
oin Adobe Photoshop with Adobe Camera Raw (.xmp);
oon Mobile (.dng).
·Portrait and editorial
·Social platforms
Fashion photography



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