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10 Red Velvet Mobile & Lightroom - 5892514

автор: jezla  |  17-02-2021, 21:18  |  Просмотров: 112    

10 Red Velvet Mobile & Lightroom - 5892514

10 Red Velvet Mobile & Lightroom - 5892514

Lrtemplate XMP DNG | 17 mb

·he range of colors is very diverse But only we have a special name for some of them Such as red, yellow, green, or brown But if red is transparent and at the same time has a certain opacity, what do you call it? This color theme is called red velvet. But the story does not end at this point, after naming, now it is time to make this color. Primary colors are always ready to use, but when it comes to making certain colors with unique properties, it is up to a paint expert to make them. With our many years of expertise, we have created a "red velvet" color for you, a color that has all the characteristics of a velvet theme. Take the pretzel bucket and sprinkle it on your photos. Please read COMPATIBILITY before download. we cannot offer refunds or exchanges on your purchase.
·10? ?ACR presets? (.?xmp files?)?
·10 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate files)
·10 Mobile Lightroom Presets (.dng files)
·Lightroom 4, 5, 6, 7, CC (Creative Cloud) and Lightroom Classic
·Compatible with both Mac and PC
·?For ACR Presets?: ?Photoshop CC? ?and above(with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6? ?and later?)?
·Works on RAW and JPEG images
·Adobe Lightroom Mobile
·Works with & without Adobe subscription
Compatible with iPhone or Android device



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